Thursday, January 29, 2015

Weather is even more changeable than KS

During last week's blast of Arctic weather, one of my neighbors was shooting photos of the storm.  I walked into his shot with the two very cold dogs.

It seems strange to see snow on the cactus.

27 January

A perfectly glorious day here in the desert.  One of my neighbors swung by in a 4x4 
and gave me a ride.  See photos.  It was difficult to come inside as it started getting dark.  Made me think of all those summer days when we stayed out to play chalk rabbit or kick the can until Mom finally came out and got us.

Steve (left) and Mike

Muppet and Lola

Note the pink grenade in the lower right corner of the windshield.

January 28

Was invited to join a group going 4-wheeling.  What a fun trip!  I would not have believed that Larry's Geo Tracker could do the things he made it do.  

My limo - the white Geo Tracker

Several stops along the way.  This was the first one.

Spiral and diamonds - looks like New Grange in Ireland

Is this a pregnant coyote?
Grinding holes

More spirals

We went through Massacre Canyon and then on to Fort Cummings.  This is roughly the route of the Butterfield Stage through this territory.

The Butterfield Overland Stage Line stopped at the fort.

Source of water for the fort and the stage line.

The spring house.

Spring is still in use.
Remains of the US Cavalry's corral. Pipes brought water from the spring house.

Four troopers killed by Apaches.

 History of the Mormon Battalion

Saturday, January 24, 2015

More interesting stuff from the desert

21 January 

Today it is a pleasant 9 degrees, with the wind chill.  Woke up at 2:30 am from the wind gently rocking my 7 ton RV.  By morning we had snow on the ground.  The photos below were taken two days ago on an outing of 4-wheelers here at the park.  It was in the low 70’s with bright sunshine, a perfect day to go roaming around in the desert, as long as you go with people who know where they are.    I understand a couple of people are working on getting maps of the trails but nothing is finished yet.

This is rough country.  Distances are deceiving.  What looks like a short hike away winds up being miles.  Once you lose sight of your landmarks, it's easy to be hopelessly lost.  A couple of years ago, a park visitor decided to go hiking and lost his way.  Fortunately, people knew he was overdue and set up a search party with the local sheriff’s office.  One of the HAM radio operators here at the park coordinated the search.  The hiker was found, somewhat the worse for wear.  You can’t be careless out here.  There is a very interesting book on this subject called Journal of the Dead by Jason Kersten.  True story, two young guys from back East decided to hike in the New Mexico desert. 

And now, back to the 4-wheel adventure:

First stop

Muppet, Lola and Mike's black dog Indy.

I made an offer on a 4-wheeler that one of the park residents was selling but he didn't like my $.  So I am doing the homework to see about buying one to have transportation beyond the distance I can hike with Lola and Muppet.  (They got to go on the excursion Tuesday and are still noncommittal on whether they would like to go again.)

More photos:

Ore-loading chute at the abandoned fluorite mine.

This place is called The Hole.  

This area was very active during WWII.  Fluorite was a key component in a lot of war-related equipment and there were mines all over this area going full blast.  No active mines in the area any more.  The area we could see from the mine entrance was once a bombing range.  One of the guys said they practiced with concrete dummy bombs.


Several days later I was out with the dogs early (after sun-up but not much).  In the distance I could hear our local coyote pack barking and howling.  Surprised me, as it was the first time I had heard them during daylight.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

It's A New Year

It's been cold (in the 20's) with high winds so the wind chill is in the mid-teens.  I got up this morning, New Year's Day, to snow on the ground and overcast.  It snowed lightly as we trudged through the park and snow is forecast for tomorrow.  Cooke's Peak was completely shrouded by the low-hanging clouds.  The weather was so crummy I changed my New Year's Eve menu from teriyaki steak to French onion soup so I wouldn't have to stand outside.

The dogs are still recovering from all the excitement of last week in Albuquerque with Wyatt, Michelle, Taylor, Maddy plus Midget (the old dog) and Sharpie (the new dog the size of a Shetland pony).  They are unaccustomed to so much activity.

The day after Christmas I went New Year's Eve outfit shopping with Michelle, Taylor, and Madison.  Success!  Both girls found outfits.

Post New Year's Eve
The carport was delivered yesterday on the coldest, windiest day or the year.  I felt sorry for the guys who had to assemble it in the Arctic-like conditions.  Now my Jeep can take shelter from the intense sunlight/wind/whatever.  The addition of the carport makes my lot a bit crowded at the entrance.  Someday the lot next to me will be available and I will take a lease on it as well.  That will give me a bit more room.  When I was in Las Cruces two weeks ago for service on the Jeep, I found a big metal cut-out which I will mount on the carport wall which faces the road.

Several days later:

Well, it's sunny and the wind has finally dropped. Still cold but much better.  I am hoping the RV tech will show up with the part for the RPod so I can get the final stuff done and take my test trip.  I would like to go to Puerto Penasco for a month or so but don't want to go into Mexico by myself.  It's only 60 miles from the Arizona border to Puerto Penasco but a lot of bad things could happen in that space.  Better to go with friends, at least for the first time.

Update much later:

It's January 18 and the third beautiful day here.  Temps in high 50's, 60's, brilliant sunshine, and light breeze.  Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful as well and then back into winter.

One of my neighbors on B Court invited me to go rock hunting with him and his dog, Trip.  I took photos of the park from a new angle.  Found some interesting stuff which Ron will dump into his rock tumbler and we will see what emerges in a month or so.

Ron and his Trail Wagon

Trip seeking the deadly jack rabbit.

Can you see a frog in the mountain?

Another view of the park,