Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Glorious Weather Leads to Desert Trips

5 February

We are in a stretch of near-perfect weather and groups are going out into the desert nearly every day. On this trip, my guide pointed out a rock wall atop a rise (going too fast to get photo).  He said that legend says the conquistadors built it as a quick fort against Indian attacks.  Possible but not probable.

One of the nice things about a lot of RVers is that their dogs go with them everywhere.  It's been really good for Lola, as her social skills left a lot to be desired.  The caravans take periodic breaks and the dogs all jump out for water and social hour.

There is a couple in the park now from South Dakota.  They have a large farm and winter is downtime for them so they go RVing.  Their dog is a 5-month-old English Springer Spaniel, Winston.

Bill and Winston

Winston may be the friendliest pup on the planet.  He doesn't seem to know a stranger and he tries to play with the little dogs.   The little dogs, on the other hand, are not eager to have Winston stomp them.

Mike, Lola, Bill, Winston, Wenda 
There is another state park on the opposite side of the valley from Hidden Valley Ranch.  I drove up there on Monday but the park gates were locked.  Only open Wednesday through Sunday.  I will try again on the correct day.  The photo below is taken from the entrance to the park.

The beautiful weather continued for a couple more days, so I got to go on two more excursions.


Indian's Bathtub
This must be beautiful when there is water cascading down the rocks.

Muppet wants to go home.

 You can't really tell from this photo but we are standing at the top of a mountain looking down into the valley.  Elevation must be 6000 feet or so.

Wenda and Gilbert
Gilbert believes in only the finest, high-end equipment.  Check out the gasoline can's stopper.

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