Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Catching up at last

Mike is on his way back to KC to get his new cornea checked so I have some time to update without his assistance.  Below is a photo of what we see in front of our trailer:

We watched the Chicago-Dallas game last night and don't miss Chicago one bit.  By the end of the game it was something like -11 with the wind chill.  Kansas City has also been slammed with the extreme temps and assorted other bad weather.  While it can be chilly and sometimes windy here, I will take it over snow/ice/sub-zero temps.

The park is lovely and very, very quiet.  And we are in the middle of the WEST of yesteryear.  See below.

Note the bullet holes in the sign.  You have to watch for loose cattle on this road as they can pop up out of nowhere. 

The dogs are in a state of ecstasy....all these new sights, sounds, and especially smells.  Coyotes and bobcats are known to come onto the park so we are careful with Snack1 and Snack 2.  They, of course, have no sense of danger (or any other type of sense for that matter).  Lots of other dogs around but all on leashes and well-behaved. 

The park specializes in ATV'ers.  There are lots of ATV trails out into the desert and we are hoping to get an invitation to take a ride one of these days.  Until then we are walking the dogs.  Just have to be careful to keep them out of the various spikey, spiny, sticky vegetation.  All new to them and Muppet likes to stick his nose into everything. 

We have been into the closest town, Deming, a couple of times.  Although it's the county seat, it's really small and doesn't look much changed in the past 40 years.  Just on the other side of Deming is the border with Mexico.  My son's mother-in-law has offered to take us into Palomas, the town across the border, after the holidays. 

We are giving each other a propane-fired bbq smoker for Christmas since our old smoker from the house was way too big to bring.  I am looking forward to good 'cue again soon as the local joints leave a lot to be desired.  Mexican food here, obviously, is great everywhere. 

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